Vadis has been providing services to people with disabilities since 1979.
From a small agency serving 25 people, we have evolved, expanded and now serve over 1,000 people per year in King, Pierce, Snohomish, Kitsap, Thurston, and Mason Counties.
What hasn’t changed is our commitment to the people we serve. We strive to provide people with disabilities opportunities and experiences to fulfill their economic and human potential.
Vadis is dedicated to assisting businesses in finding great employees and be a more inclusive employer. Our focus on customer service is your assurance of excellence!
Vadis envisions a future where people with disabilities are supported in creating and pursuing the life they want to live.
Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) are core values of Vadis, from the CEO and Board members through each employee. Vadis acknowledges the legacy and current day impact of systemic discrimination on the communities we support. We understand that this is an ongoing process and are committed to building bridges every day with our clients and business communities.
Vadis is dedicated to raising awareness, providing education, becoming impactful allies, and improving ourselves daily in our equity, diversity, and inclusion work.